Friday, April 18, 2014

The Newest Addition to Our Family (Warning - Bloody Photos)

14 April 14 was the birthday we chose our newest family member.  Life would never be the same again for all 5 of us in the family and how can I not blog about it?  Although this is the fourth time that my wife and myself is going through the process, it is still rather nerve-wreaking for my wife as it's still a major operation and even I have my own fears that the baby may not turn out to be how I envisioned him to be.  Still, I needed to be the stronger partner. 

We didn't get to sleep until after 3am that morning as my wife was still packing the bag for the hospital stay and I was also cleaning out the room meant for the newborn and the confinement lady we employed.  We couldn't afford a family car and my wife actually suggested that we take a bus to the hospital over taking a taxi as it was still early!  I dunno how many wives would allow that, but someone told me it's blasphemy to even think about doing that!  But not my wife, the ever virtuous, understanding and considerate one and here's our selfie just before reaching Thomson Medical Centre!  

Everything was rather expected for both of us since it was our fourth time and everything was anticipated.  Registration was a breeze at the hospital and I even had the time to get my wife to pose "accurately" for photos.  Look at the photos below,  the photo on the left was taken before Stacci's delivery while the right one was recent.  She had deliberately wore the same attire and I think my wife didn't change a bit!

Before long, I got dressed up in my $11.13 protective clothing as usual so as to witness the arrival of our 2nd prince while my wife was being wheeled into the operating theater.  Although she was all smiles and posed so cutely for a photo even right before the operation, but I can feel that she was still terrified inside.  I mean who wouldn't be? 

I was welcomed by one of the friendliest anesthetist ever when I finally got into the operating theater.  She came across to me like a grandmother-like figure and when she saw me trying to take a selfie with my wife, she asked to take over my camera and took a whole lot of photos for us!  It wasn't like an operation, but rather like a casual chat between the gynae, anesthetist, wife and myself.

I tried my luck asking if I can take photos of the operation itself but kept getting rejected.  However, this is the first time that they ever allowed me to take photos of the baby BEFORE he got cleaned up.  The nurses were rather apprehensive at first, probably afriad that I would faint at the sight of the blood but I reassured them that I was a butcher before.  This is also the first time I took so many photos of the going-ons in the theatre and I finally got to cut the umbilical cord of my baby.  As this is probably the last time I will get to witness the entire process, I took as many photos as possible.  As parents, it's always a relief to see the baby healthy and looking alright at birth.  Viewer discretion is advised - some of the photos might cause discomfort as they show blood but this is as real as it gets.  The other regular photos that one usually gets to see are too sanitized.

Having to carry a baby 38-40 weeks each time and getting one's tummy cut up and stitched back over her own fear, BUT yet doing this four times over 6 years (with a smile no less) is truly amazing.  With this, I dedicate the above to my wife of 12 years and mother to our four beautiful children.  Happy mother's day in advance and we owe what we have to your personal sacrifices all these years. 

Here's to many more years of diaper-changing and maybe sibling rivalries or squabbles, but let's enjoy the love and family bliss that comes with the kids as well!

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